onsdag den 28. december 2016

Sketching at Jernbanecafeen

The Urban Sketchers Copenhagen group had a great time on the 28. december 2016 sitting for a few hours in the cosy pub Jernbanecafeen sketching everyone and everything around us. Here are my drawings:

søndag den 4. december 2016

Sketching at Den Sorte Diamant

On a sunny Saturday on the 3. December 2016, a group of sketchers went to the Royal Library in Copenhagen, a marvelous architectural wonder of a building called The Black Diamond.
Here are my sketches from the afternoon, drawn with either Derwent Inktense crayons or Tombow brush pens.

mandag den 14. november 2016

Sketching at Den Blå Planet.

Here is the result of 3 intense hours of sketching in the lovely Danish aquarium Den Blå Planet (The Blue Planet). Fish are always moving and shifting positions, so I had to draw with extraordinary speed!

mandag den 31. oktober 2016

Monday Sketching at Hovedbiblioteket

We were a bunch of people sketching at Copenhagen's main library monday evening. 
We went to the 2. floor, which is dedicated to children.
A funny place in the evening with interesting deserted toys lying around. 

mandag den 24. oktober 2016

Domus Vista, International sketchcrawl nr. 53

Ved denne omgang af International SketchCrawl besøgte vi Domus Vista, et trist, forladt og meget firkantet shoppingcenter. Jeg forsøgt at gå lidt anderledes til værks og tegnede hurtige løse streger.

tirsdag den 18. oktober 2016


En bidende kold og stormende eftermiddag på Carlsberg, Desværre nåede jeg kun denne ene skitse.